Contract Cleaning Sales

An image of a cleaning team, sourced by Newton Fox

Expert Contract Cleaning Sales Solutions to Grow Your Business

B2B Lead Generation & Appointment Setting Services

Continuing to secure new clients is as important to businesses within the cleaning industry as it is for any other. But – did you know that appointment setting via phone is the most effective way to achieve this?

Often, small or busy businesses struggle to accomodate for the time required to hone your strategy and reach out to potential clients. With so many daily tasks, outbound calling often gets pushed aside, reducing valuable leads.

That’s where Newton Fox steps in.

For 17 years, we’ve helped cleaning businesses grow and thrive by connecting them with the right clients. We specialise in introducing our cleaning clients to:

  • Schools and colleges
  • Large commercial space such as car showrooms, exhibition halls etc.
  • Health centres, doctors, and dentists
  • Childrens’ nurseries
  • Large office accommodation
  • Public sector and leisure centres
  • Retail and banking facilities

And many more.

How Does It Work?

We have a tried and trusted process that’s been fine tuned over the years to produce striking results as quickly as possible. This process includes:

  • Initial set up – we take time to find out what you’re doing right now regards BD. We’re always looking to compliment and not conflict with what you’re doing right now.
  • From this we’ll draw up a battle plan. Target markets, scripts, strategy, we’ll discuss it all with you to draw up the most compelling campaign possible.
  • We then appointment your specialist account manager who will have at least 5 years’ experience (most have much more).
  • The campaign is then launched. Calls are recorded, appointments confirmed, and reports submitted in plain English.
  • Each week we assess the results and ask you to confirm business won.

Would You Like To Find Out More?

We recognise that choosing an external sales partner is a big decision, and we support businesses taking a careful, thoughtful approach. To support this, we offer open, no-pressure conversations to explore how we can work together with potential clients.

Our honest insights into what you can expect are supported by our existing, real case-studies and testimonials from satisfied clients. We can even refer you to some of our partners to learn a thing or two about how we work!

Let’s discuss how we can help cleaning businesses like yours!

Get in touch to see how Newton Fox can help you